Tuesday 15 November 2022



Strange rumors reached the Oasis, some merchants arriving from the north asserted that the Emir Darian had disappeared, together with his ship, which had departed from Northern Ligth Bay to reach the oasis, but never arrived.
   My worried brother Orlando sent me a message, he wrote me that the Emir was reported missing at sea, I, the youngest brother of the family, lived on my little island, where I spent my time studying and writing about my travels as did my brother Darian.
  I arrived at the Oasis of the Seven Palms, you could see that there was something wrong in the air, the population watched the sea waiting for the Emir's ship to appear, and there were no more parties for foreigners.

   Orlando I explain his concern and beg me being the youngest of the family to set off to find our brother Darian.
   Time to organize a ship, load the provisions, and the water we set sail, the destination would be Port Northerm, the city where they had last seen him, and after some weeks of navigation, we arrived at the city, unknown to me, entered the large square I could not meet anyone, certainly all in their homes, I asked the guard in front of the gate and he explained to me that the land is divided into three different cities, or rather two cities and a village in the forest of the slavers, a tribe dedicated mostly to raids on neighboring cities, while the other was Kasra, which more than a city looked like a fairy-tale village, made up of strange houses with steepled roofs, I told the guard to report me to the palace of the Scribes
 Finally a Scribe named Lady Joy arrives, after having welcomed me with kindness, I talk to me about my brother, who had lived there for a few months, but who had left following a woman, who did not remember the name, but who perhaps a friend of Darian's told me she would give more information, that friend was called Jinny, I had heard of her, when we all lived in the city of Cartassa, I asked where I could find her, she told me that after the fall of Victoria many citizens left for por Nykus, so I could ask there.
   We resumed our journey to port Nykus, I knew that island had been rebuilt on the ruins of the great city of Leisure in the Cos archipelago.
    I must say that the new city had been built well, when I arrived at the port I went directly to the tavern there surely someone had seen it, and in fact a certain Sir Ulir told me that he had spent some time with them, wandering around the port and in the city, alone and out of work, and that he had discovered disguised as a musician, his slave Fahima together with her old master Timmer in the city during the festival of the Kajires, but that they had disappeared again, and he decided to go after them, I don't know for what place, at this point I asked him about Jinny, and he told me that a pirate from the great city of Venna had met a beautiful woman named Jinny,
   We left again for Venna, I didn't know that city, even if I had heard of it, still being rebuilt on the ruins of the old one.
   In the port of Venna, many ships at the docks, many people bustling about the port, I asked for information and they told me to enter through the gate and climb the grand staircase that ended in a beautiful square with beautiful colors and all around buildings with many columns,
while I was going up, I asked a slave who was also going up, if she knew Lady Jinny, she told me that surely I would find her at the palace of the scribes, offering to take me, and it was she herself who called the Scribe and got her out of her office, after introduced myself, I asked him about Darian, and that he hadn't returned to the Oasis, she told me, he was always after women who betrayed him punctually, making him suffer, I explain that in Victoria he had a slave girl who later disappeared, during the fall of the citta, which had a woman who had taken him to a Panther willage to have him killed, but he had managed to escape, then remembering a detail he told me that a certain lady Dara had invited him to her castle not far from Venna , she didn't know anything else, she was also very worried because she loved Darian very much they had shared work in many cities.
  But while I was organizing the journey to Lady Dara's castle, some pirates at the port told me that the castle had fallen but that no one knew about Darian, so I decided together with Lady Jinny that I would stay in the city waiting for some news, I ordered the commander of the ship to return to the oasis and report to Orlando, the news that I had learned and that when I discovered something I would inform him.
    Lady Jinny and I spoke to the Scribe head caste for a job, and a house fit for a Prince as I am, and so it was, I now live in Venna, hoping Darian will show up, and often go in the afternoon with Mrs Jinny at the tea room and there we drink a nice blackwine, talking about him and his adventures

Monday 14 November 2022


What can I say, here I am finally back to my oasis, and I don't think I will leave again, too many disappointments, too many missed expectations, and nothing of my dreams has come true.
   During my travels I have visited many cities, it would be impossible to list them all, villages in the north where the snow is already starting to whiten the mountains, the Vikings return from their businesses in the south. And happy women are there on the docks of their ports.

  The last few times have been very hard and they have tried me more than necessary, since I left with Brjiana, the woman who took everything from me and left me for her adventure in the Opal mines, not renewing our company contract since then. I had other adventures, starting from the oasis of Cartassa, where Safina had preferred to trust Brjiana, so I was forced to leave for the north.
Crossed the great Vosk river, I went up the Olni river to the city, if you remember them I had known Kara-Serin la Tuchuk becoming my promise. But she preferred her farm in the hills to our meetings of acquaintance.
   When I arrived at the city of Olni at the port, a guard I knew told me that there would soon be a trial against Kara-serin, the slaver had denounced her saying that he was being harassed by her.
 I witnessed the trial ended with the acquittal of Kara, a few days later I left again going up the Olni river, up to the derivation of the Thentis river, stopping in the city of Sais, I had already been for some time and still some friends including Sir Nicholas.
   After a few days I resumed the port I was told of a new big city of Victoria, look for Scribe they told me so I decided to stop to watch the show, I was amazed by the beauty of the journey, of the many citizens who crowded the square of the port, and the surrounding streets, I decided to ask for a job and stop for some time.

  It was not a good idea, so from that moment my troubles began, buying the slave Fahima from the player Timmer, whom he himself had kidnapped, in the fall of the city, I remember that we were camped in the forest and she disappeared, kidnapped by a slaveholder for Timmer's account, despite having taken my two Cooper Tarsk, in the meantime almost all the population, left to populate the city of Nykus born from the ruins of Leisure is rebuilt for the umpteenth time.
   It was not difficult for me to be welcomed and have a job, for which they were the same as Victoria and Sir Amir I reconfirmed the job as Scribe.
  It was there that after Mesists organized some Kajires dance competitions, I do not like those events but one evening some decided slaves, assist in my amazement to see that in the meantime my slave Fahima had become a musician and was playing music for the dances , I looked around and caught the eye of Timmer the player who also attended a game of Zar.I asked him to come up and he said: I will never give you my Fahima back. And so not even the time to call the guards to arrest him, he and his slave disappeared again.
   I was very upset I could not take revenge on that man, and I realized that he too was well known, so I decided to leave again and go north to meet my mother Lady BB arliss. And after some time we stopped at the town of Northerm ligth bay, bordering the town of Kasra and the forest of the slavers, a tribe of women, often went down to town, and I met Lady Joy, I think she was in charge of the caste, or something. such.
    It took me enough time to meet a responsible for the Scribes so that I could entrust him with the application for admission, and I waited for the answer for days and days, luckily they gave me a house down the road immediately to the left of the tavern at least I could stay warm too. if the house was nothing more than a small, sparse room, I would have put the Kailla in my oasis.
     The days passed but no one called me, on the contrary I met in the afternoon in the tavern l'ubar libere with his slave and some including Lady Anna who often danced in the center, sir Aaron, sir Ben the magistrate of kasra, with his strange white dress and his staff,
that then I had a quarrel with Lady Nadja you know and that was the reason that convinced me to return to my Oasis of the seven palms now the snow in the north covered the mountains and I prefer the desert sun.
I had arrived a few days ago and I did the office things. And I started my usual life again.
   One day a pirate ship arrived from the North, and the captain told me about a great city that I did not yet know, curiosity prompted me to prepare a trip to visit it and one morning we left.


Tuesday 8 November 2022



I never wanted to write anything like this, but the events that happened after the wedding convinced me to leave the city and the island.
   Despite all my good intentions, and after offering to work for them, putting all my experience into practice, I realized that many citizens evaded my company, except Sir Aroon and lately Lady Joy the Magistrate, who despite the suspicion Initial at the end we were able to explain ourselves by telling us about our adventures in the same cities, the Planet even if big in the end is small and sooner or later we meet again.
   I was saying that I still didn't understand that they use a rather bizarre method of experiencing the island. dividing the various parts, in Northerm, in Kastra and in a village of Senzanome. naturally the land being Raid had its own way of operating, and all or almost all were women except a few men who I did not have time to know, if not only by sight or in the great tea room, which they insist on calling Taverna, without even a slave to serve at the table, but with Lady Anna who often danced in the center of the large table surrounded by chairs.
   Lady Alice had assigned me a house at the end of the road near the tavern, one day as I was going out, to my left not far away embedded in the boundary wall, I saw a door with the writing Kasra, this I became curious and decided to take a walk outside the walls, even if I still did not know the city well, there was the risk of being attacked by some Raider, but without fear I passed that door, I found myself in a different reality, with houses with an unusual shape that I did not know on the planet, they seemed so many small castles with spire roofs, with bright colors. I walk among those strange houses until I came out in a small square where sitting in a circle around the big fire were sitting some women and a man who I recognized in Sir Balrogh, I think it was the Ubar of Northerm, but I'm not sure, but I had already seen sitting in the tavern with his slave Masha, not far away on a bench sat Sir Aaron, the gentleman thief with whom I had already spoken before, I sat with him trying not to disturb but greeting everyone in a whisper, I was looking at me around and trying to understand how those houses were made, (I remember vaguely resembling the castles of fairy tales).
    While I was there quiet without even listening to what they said.
a woman with a menacing appearance came towards me (I would have known after she was Kasra's tatrix), and in a brusque way and without the slightest kindness and respect towards a high caste man like she told me. Here we are in the city of Kasra, and the citizens of Northem are not welcome, I was also stunned because Aaron was also a guest, to my question of why, she said in a threatening tone: I am the Tatrix and you are not welcome .

   Well I wrote these few lines while I was preparing my luggage to leave, I will go even further north to Hammersgaard, perhaps I will stop at my good friend Nani the panther, who has become a tavernkeeper, even if soon the snow will submerge everything there too, while the people it will close in the great Hall to spend the winter eating and drinking, in the company of slaves and dancers and the warriors will tell their stories of conquests and travels.

  Such a thing has never happened to me, everywhere I go everyone welcomes me with respect and friendship this woman instead was treating me as a stranger, however I returned to my city and in the tavern I met Lady Joy the Magistrate, who asking for explanations told me that sometimes women behave like this with men in the cities where they raid, I would later know that Brjiana, my ex-partner with whom we shared the bed and the newspaper, had arrived in the city and of course where she arrives many become hostile to me. but I'm going straight on my way I don't know fear and it certainly won't be a woman to scare me.   Well I wrote these few lines while I was preparing my luggage to leave, I will go even further north to Hammersgaard, perhaps I will stop at my good friend Nani the panther, who has become a tavernkeeper, even if soon the snow will submerge everything there too, while the people it will close in the great Hall to spend the winter eating and drinking, in the company of slaves and dancers and the warriors will tell their stories of conquests and travels.


Saturday 5 November 2022


A great event today in the city of port Kasra, as soon as I arrived in the great tea room, some euphoric citizens warned me of the next company ceremony, that is the marriage between Lady Gaia and Sir Ju-Hin, I was finally happy something that moved my life in Kasra,
my work as a Scribe is quite boring and after my walks along the beach all that remains is work and a short break in the afternoon in the large hall in the company of citizens, often those others who work or have a home away from the city.


 The ceremony would take place on the beach, they had set up the place with chairs and altar with many flowers and many candles that were to illuminate the twilight of the afternoon, and immediately nearby a large dance floor also carefully set up with many flowers and garlands , while the distant pano rama was certainly breathtaking.

 While I was sitting. I arrive Sir Aaron an old acquaintance of mine, now in this city as an honored citizen, but once he was a skilled thief, and if we want even a gentleman, we joked for a while about the possibility of losing my cooper (planet money). And in the meantime Sir Balrough arrives, whom I greeted with respect, meanwhile Lady Nadja was coming and going with her preparations and recommending to the guests to wear formal clothes, Lady Nadjia was, the one who would celebrate the wedding, I too am an officer but for years I have not celebrated any ceremonies in recent times on the planet.
  I arrive time to go down to the beach where some guests were already sitting patient and awkward in their party clothes, I stopped and sat at the back of the chairs, I don't like to show myself more than necessary, some ladies arrived with beautiful dresses and took their seats , I recognized Lady Anna and Lady Alice, then Lady Ziggy arrived with Lady Oksama. While Sir Ben should already sat in the front row with Sir Balrough, there were still many citizens and guests who still don't know their name but I hope to meet them in the future.

   Everything was ready, Lady Nadja I call the witnesses Lady Erin the Magistrate, and Lady Ziggy, and I start with the ceremony that I know well. But always exciting to see the tears of the bride and the slaves kneeling on the sidelines, and after all the ritual practices and exchanging documents and rings, they finally became Life Companions.
In the end, after everyone's good wishes, we moved to the other part where there was a giant cake on a large table. that in the blink of an eye everyone ate it with gusto, I, as usual, sat on one side without talking to anyone, while the couple began the dances that lasted all night .......... WISHES TO THE BRIDES


Friday 4 November 2022


 Life in the city of Nykus slipped flat and without any noteworthy events.
All the activities took place mainly in the rooms of the inhabitants who I must say were numerous, as there were many slaves who wandered around the streets, I do not think they had specific goals.
Sir Ulir, who managed the tavern very well in the city of Victoria, here confined himself to fucking with male or female slaves, and the tavern was always empty and without service.

   I wandered around the streets looking for some reason to live there, but I didn't see any future and the head of the Scribes caste after many hands of time still didn't send me any admission documents to some role in the caste.
   Meanwhile the Slaver organize a Kajires dance competition,
they mounted a stage on the seafront overlooking the harbor, and for a few days there was movement of slaves and curious citizens who attended the rehearsals, and it was during my walk towards the tavern that I glimpsed Timmer the player from afar, the one who had taken and took away my slave Fahima that he himself had sold me, and then when he i want to arrested with the guards the city collapsed after a strong earthquake ending in rubble, we all took refuge in the forest in the old panther camp until the city was rebuilt, but no trace of him, certainly escaped with one of his ships.
I did not have time to call the guards to arrest him that he disappeared again, we looked for him everywhere but nothing.
   Another disappointment that accumulates to those of the lack of life in the city, so one evening I called the captain of my ship and told him to prepare that we would leave at high tide.
   We left a little before dawn and I told the captain to go down the river to the great Vosk river. I would  decide where to go. In the north my friend Nani she was waiting for me, the one who works as an innkeeper during the day and the Panther at night, but who in reality no one should know.
We would get down down the river to the archipelago of Kos, and then go up the Sea of ​​Thassa to the region of Thorwasland, but while we were sailing calmly with a light favorable wind, I remembered the city of Kasra, I was there a few months earlier with Brjiana for the our newspaper, the gazette of the moons, so we decided to stop to stock up on water and wine, it is known that in those islands the wine is the best.
  While we were already seeing the coasts in the distance a thunderstorm tossed us all day, but then finally we reached the coast, we landed at the great port of the city of Northerm ligth bay, I did not remember having visited it in the past, but then I knew that Kasra is neighboring.
   I was greeted at the port by a beautiful lady who with her escort and her slave, I carry around showing me the beauty of that big city and its busy port, so it was that I did not think twice and asked the lady if there  was an opportunity to live and work with them, after introducing myself as Ulysses Arliss the name my adoptive mother gave me when we escaped from the destroyed Oasis as children, in Korat in the shendi region. I did not say I was the Emir of the oasis of seven palm trees, in the future I would have said so.
  I assign myself a house on the upper floor, where on the right as you go up there is the large tea room where everyone meets in the afternoon after work, she told me and that soon I would also meet Sir Balrogh and Lady Irin.

Continue… .darianarliss

Tuesday 25 October 2022


I had nothing to write about, during the long journey that took me to the rebuilt city of Port Victoria, nothing will ever be the same as before, that's the saying of the elders, in fact the new city was dark and gloomy, all the old citizens left to found the city of Port Nykus, only Lady Tenka and the administrator named Monkee remained, who to my amazement I met in the person of a real monkey. the kind you meet in the zoos of planet Earth, in a hurry she took me to the homestone, and there she swore me in without any formality, I was truly incredulous at the welcome, I was happy to ask for a job, but she was very evasive, she was waiting for her friend to give him the job of Magistrate, if I wanted I could be a simple Scribe, but the worst thing was when they assigned me my new dwelling, which I normally used in my Oasis for the Kajilli, (a type of land horse), a dark, gloomy and dirty room without windows, a stable.

   When I returned to my ship I ordered the sailors to prepare for departure, we set sail at high tide, went down the river to the town of Olni, where we stayed for a few days, then continued on to the new town of Nykus.
  I had left my slave Fahima, who although I had loved him very much, she still thought of her old master, an adventurer, a gambler who had sold her to me to pay his debts, but then he denounced me saying that I had bought the slave when he was drunk and incapable of understanding, I know the laws well, I could have had that man arrested, but I thought that if the slave was in love with that individual, it was better to leave her to her fate, and forget about my two Silver Tarsk that I had given to the gambler.
   We arrived at the new city, not far from what was the city of Leisure where I had worked and lived, my first meeting was with Amir the one who had been the head of the caste in Victoria but was now only a Scribe, co-founder, he will surely have other duties that are unknown to me for now, I took myself to the Caste palace where I filled out the application and mailed in the mailbox for the head of the caste, in our case a woman who has a complicated name but which I hope I remember.


     Now I'm sitting here on the seafront, watching the people go by, the ships come and go and I dream of a love that is mine alone

  I realised that the town is run by the Bernard family and Sir Jonah is the head of the caste as well as the administrator.
   I am still waiting for an official job, it is true I have been accepted as a Scribe, but I am still waiting to be summoned, in the first days in Nykus, I knew there was the Scribe caste meeting so I asked permission to attend, and to my amazement I realised there are dozens of scribes in this town. and the Magistrate always the same as Port Victoria Sir Ulisses.
    I changed my name, taking the one I was given as a child, when I was adopted to Ship rock in the region of Schendi, Ship Rock is the port of the city of Korat, a fortified city, built on the hill, but which was attacked and destroyed by the Shendi Forest Panthers, which is why we fled to the city of Cartassa in the desert, with my adoptive mother Lady BB Arliss and my father Sir Mith the builder.
   During the meeting I was able to show off my knowledge of the laws, irritating some of the Scribes, who had a different view on the laws of the Planet, they said that there are only the laws of the Ubar of the city, but this is not so, the laws in the planet were written by the Kings, then passed on to the priests who passed them on to the Magistrates, however then I withdrew in silence without offending anyone.

Meeting in Scribe caste

  The other day there was a Kajire dance on the square in front of the harbour on the belvedere, and I was very annoyed to recognise my old slave Fhaima in the musician. and not far away sitting in a corner her Master Timmer the adventurous player, without honour, when I asked him the reason for his behaviour outside the law, he told me that the slave was his and he would never have left her to me, going back on his contract, I could appeal to the judge but it is useless to have a slave in your house who loves her old master, she could stab you in the night.

Thursday 13 October 2022

Interview with lady Dara


Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Greetings my name is Lady Dara. Free Woman, Scribe, freelance journalist and reporter of Gor.
Today I have the honor and great opportunity to visit with Darian el Nairad of the great home of Oasis of Seven Palms. Thank you for agreeing to my Interview and welcomeing me to your lovely home.Ill be asking you a series of questions about yourself,family and of course your wonderful Homeland. Do not feel obligated to answere any that you may prefer to ignore and we will move onto the next.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Lets begin with
What is the full name of your Home and where on the planet would we be located?" Tapping her quill into the ink pot and looking quietly at the Magistrate waits for his reply...

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): my family's 0asis was located on the edge of the shendi region on the way to the big city of AR, then after so many vicissitudes that I will tell later .. we conquered an island not far from the island of Landa the city with golden domes, and I rebuilt my oasis by giving it the name of `` Oasis of the seven Palms ''

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Smiles nodding and writes on the scroll "Sounds lovely Please tell me more?"
Her eyes smile softly at him as she waits patienly for his reply. Redipping her quill and twirling it between her gloved fingers.

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): when our Oasis was destroyed by the desert bedouins along with the panthers of the Shendi forest my father and my mother were killed and my brother Orlando and I escaped to Korat one of the three cities of Shendi, and we were adopted by Lady BB Arlis and her partner Sir Mith, one of the greatest builders of Gor and when they finished their work they took me with them to the north. We became great together with my family we moved to Cartassa city .. my father built the city also My oasis and his work.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Writes quickly listening intently nodding and hanging on his every word.
"Well that is a wonderful tale Sir. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?"

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): I lived my life traveling around the planet visiting villages and cities after taking the diplomas of magistrate and lawyer and Sribe and in every city I visited I lent my work making myself known as a man of letters and a good judgement.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): ponders my last question and writes..1. Hardworking 2. Diplomatic 3. man of good judgement 4. Well educated and 5. Very handsome" she smiles under her veils and looks for his approval

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): smiles

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "What is your philosophy of life?"
DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): elegant
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Qual è la tua filosofia di vita?"


DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): I live Gor like a true Gorean, I don't live for slaves. for me they are only a component of the planet. I live to enforce the laws and apply them, sometimes in contrast with the Ubar of improvised cities that create their own laws without the help of a magistrate.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): writes upon her scroll nodding and listening

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "Now some fun easy questions "What is your favourite Foods and drinks?"

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): In gor I prefer Veer meat because it is the softest and sweetest, sometimes I also eat dried bosk meat but only if necessary when I am in the north. Then every day I go to the tavern to have my tea with chocolate tears cookies while drinking sometimes I drink pay but I prefer the wine of Cos where I lived
DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): paga*

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Smiles and writes "I do enjoy those chocolate cookies with tea myself. What's your most prized possession and why?
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Qual è il tuo bene più prezioso e perché?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): In my life I have had many loves and many ended up in nothing, the one I love most is my freedom, I will never get involved in actions that would deprive me, sometimes I am in contrast with some caste leaders because I do not submit to theirs bullying

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "I would have to agree with you, Freedom is a prized possession indeed. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done, and why did you do it?
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Qual è la cosa più spaventosa che tu abbia mai fatto e perché l'hai fatta?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): The thing I have regretted and still regret is having left the city of Olni where everyone loved and respected me including Lady Lucy, one of my guardians, but I was chasing a woman I left her and the city repenting.
DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): take a cup of tea from table

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "I see so that was scarey because it was hard to leave?"

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): yes I follow a women that was for me a  princess but she become a wizard early and I lost a piece of my heart.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "I find that too many Goreans rush into free companionships without taking the proper amount of time to court and then most FCs end up dissolved in a years time. Its just life in Gor"

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "Moveing on and thank you your responses are very good. I know we have a bit of a language barrier but I think we are doing very well. Now.....What’s something that not many people know about you?
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Qual è qualcosa che non molte persone sanno di te?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): Sometimes I can't express what I really am, some misunderstand me, others see me as a potential enemy. Women who out of jealousy exclude me from their life, but not everyone knows my goodness and my great love for Gor.
DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): Women arrive on the planet Gor with the hope of finding the sex they do not have on earth, thus distorting the reality of Gorean life.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Smiles and nods "Haveing known you for some time now Darian I can first hand agree with you that you are a good hearted person that does have a loyalty and honor to the planet of Gor and all its peoples."

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): smiles thanks

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "Barbarians of Earth rarely ever become Free Women ...chuckles"

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): yes

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "So just a few more personal questions if you dont mind Sir?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): and slave too last time become  free women for have a chance of command in city.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): just shakes my head gently "Yes too many get away with murder Sir. Are you single?"
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Sei single?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): Enter in the desert destroying a part of my Oasis, wealth sometimes dazzles women, I hope one day to meet the woman of my dreams to live together in our kingdom together with my subjects.
Yes I am currently single after my last partner escaped with an Opal hunter in the desert destroying a part of my Oasis, wealth sometimes dazzles women, I hope one day to meet the woman of my dreams to live together in our kingdom together.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "So that is a yes to single and searching for the Free Woman of his dreams..." dips her quill and writes quickly.."Almost done Sir, just a few more questions"

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): If you had a warning label, what would it say?
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Se avessi un'etichetta di avvertimento, cosa direbbe?

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): takes a sip of tea and cracks her fingers...

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): please ask with other words.
DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): tell me with simple words.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "Thats ok we can move on...What’s your favorite way to unwind?"
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Qual è il tuo modo preferito per rilassarti?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): good  wait i answer

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): smiles

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident):When I am in the northern villages I love to go fishing on the rivers and relax in peace. While if I am in the cities I take long walks outside the walls always remaining vigilant for any aggression by panthers.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident):Nods gently "Sounds like a very nice way to relax Sir." "Well thats all the questions I have for you today! Thank you so much for giving me your time and attention to do this interview. It was a pleasure and a honor. I will contact you when this article is published. Well wishes to you."

Sunday 25 September 2022



 Surely you remember my friend Nani, the one who was a panther of the tribe who lived in the hammer forest, but who was in love with Sir Erick, worked with him in his tavern, who then took over the disappearance of her companion (perhaps murdered) by whom she had a child stolen from the cradle, and made to disappear by her companion Erick. at the hands of a slave girl who was later discovered to be her own, but of the child no trace, it was said that Erick's parents had taken him away with them to a village in the interior of the great Thorvaldsham.

   The beautiful Dwarf Panther, while I had just arrived in the city of the island of Tira, sent me a message asking me to join her to put all the documents in order and set up the small library, even though in that village I don't think anyone knows the second knowledge, which is reading and writing and the history of the planet.
I had not yet met Sir Skand, the chief scribe and administrator of the city of Tira, even though I had spent three days sitting in front of the fireplace in the scribes' palace. In the meantime, I had spoken with a scribe and public prosecutor of the court, Lady Cyra, to whom I had asked for explanations about life in the big city, but even though the weather is not particularly cold, she too spends her days sitting in her house next to the palace, in front of the fireplace with her favourite slave.
   Lady Dara the woman I had met in Victoria and who had invited me to Tira, although she had the job at Scribe's and had a beautiful house on the hill, with a panoramic view, as soon as I arrived I found her on the quay about to leave for I don't know where, was quite evasive.
     As soon as I arrived at Hammersgaard to wait for me on the wharf, I found Nani who welcomed me with his best and trusted subjects, and at the same time the opportunity presented itself to lend a hand to the village, because with another ship a merchant had arrived, speaking a different dialect but which I knew, I saw the embarrassment of the merchant chief and I told him that I would translate that dialect of southern Thahari, and I gained the trust of the people.
   The beautiful Nani fully armed, told me that she had become the Queen of the village and asked me to follow her taking me to the main street of the village and assign me the best hut they had, with a beautiful fireplace and fully furnished, and with provisions on the shelves. She told me that she had some commitments at the port and that we would meet again late in the evening in the big house, where everyone gathers to eat, while the slaves dance.
   Life in the North is not that of large city streets or large marble buildings, here everything is simple, they only know the language of their defense and their pleasure in having fun.
I do not know how long I will stay in this village but certainly the time it takes before the big snow that blocks the sea and the ships 


arrives, as Dara had left me a message that I had put in my bag and I had not yet read it told me, that she was disappointed by the city, where absolute calm reigns, only sex between them, and despite the fact that she liked me, but I had never noticed anything, I was with my slave Fahima, I don't know what happened to her, surely closed in a brothel available to foreigners and warriors. I'll send a message to beautiful Dara as soon as I know where she lives, so we'll see if friendship turns into love.

Thursday 22 September 2022


After the fall of Port Victoria everything changed, with my slave Fahima we had a house with some Tarsk in the forest outside the walls of the new town that was to be called Kasra.
  I had already lived in the town of Kasra many years ago before its fall at the hands of the pirates who destroyed it, and Lady Monkey is now rebuilding it on the ruins of Port Victoria.
   I, as usual, awaited events, which were not long in coming. As I entered the new town while the little fahima was busy at her work among the animals and the house it was not difficult to meet lady Monkey, who yes, was an ape like those you import from earth but this one is a humanoid species, and with an inclination towards leadership and construction.

 After making me swear in haste on the house stone. and got the job as scribe with the promise of soon becoming a Magistrate, after completing all the rituals and various paperwork I asked if I could have a house in the city, she called the housing officer who assigned me a house which on a good look was better the Kajilla stables. small, dark, and set in a remote corner of the city, nothing to do with the palaces of the high castes which I am.
   In the meantime events precipitated, the new (improvised) Slaver arrived in town without slaves, by now these thugs arrive with the pretence of being slaveholders with other people's slaves, and so while I was out of town to visit my friend Dara of Tira, he chained my shiava Fahima, with the excuse that the documents I owned were from the fallen city.
  I approached the kennel where he kept her locked up and heard her cries of fear and despondency. From the window she asked me to intervene, but I could not open the cages so I went to the house of sit Timmer her old master, with the hope of redoing the documents with the new name of the city of Karsra, but to my astonishment and he like so many of my friends and fellow scribes along with Sir Amir the old head of the caste, was leaving to go far away from this new and dreary city populated by people without honour who steal slaves from others and who appoint an obese woman without a known history of her own, the new head of caste.
   It was the end of everything those few moments of happiness I had experienced in the great city of Port Victoria, vanished in the face of characters who live cooped up in their rooms, without ever going out into the streets and meeting people, they just use the slaves for sex, and it all ends there.
  As my only contact in the city, I only had Lady Tenka, the head of the merchant caste, who is also locked up in her house and only sends gossipy messages in the group.
    After a relatively short journey we landed at the town of Tira, I had been living with Brjiana the woman who had left me to look for opals there we had the newspaper kiosk which I no longer saw on the wharf, 

Lady Dara I carry around and to my amazement I realized that she had rented my old house. then in the palace of the Scribes, where I spent the night in an armchair in front of the fireplace.

     Today another day I hope to meet the head of my caste soon and talk to him, in the meantime I talked to a Scribe told me to be the Prosecutor, a friendly woman, I hope I never have to flee a city again

Monday 19 September 2022


Everything seemed to be going well, but a great earthquake shook the city of Pot Victoria and razed it to the ground.
  As luck would have it, the whole population was engaged in a ceremony on the hill, and they were able to witness the destruction from afar, I was on my way to the city of Thentis where the seamstress Lady Mizuki was waiting to meet me, she had sent me a message asking me to join her and be allowed by the ubar to be courted by me.

 You know very well that I lived in that city I was a Magistrate, I had had some quarrels with the administrator lady Monica, so it was necessary to take her permission as well, which she granted me without adding anything else.
    Meanwhile on my return to Port Victoria, Sir Timmer arranged for me to meet him outside the city for our agreement for the sale of the slave girl Fahima, he gave me all the possible documents and medical examinations, when I had checked everything calmly I gave Sir Timmer the sum of two silver plates (silver tarsk). we drank the cup of wine, as an engagement between gentlemen and everything ended there with the agreement that little Fahima would come to his house from time to time, for cleaning and nothing more.
     One morning Lady Mizuki arrived at Thentis place, as usual covered up to her feet and not even the upper part of her face could be seen, she said that on the day of our company ceremony I would see her without veils, even if a bit strange I accepted to take her with me, I introduced her to the people I met as my next companion and little Fahima accepted to serve her as if she was already my family, slaves don't give any sign of feelings, by law. and asked Lady Tenka to assign me a house on the seashore, not far from the wharf where the ships often arrive. and one for Mizuki too.

While we anxiously awaited the end of the construction of the new ciity, we decided to join friends of Mizuki in the Thahari desert, precisely in the Oasis of the four palms, I happily accepted the new trip, I hate the sedentary life, I prefer to move.
 After a few days of sailing and a week of walking in the desert we reached the oasis, we spent the day setting up the tents and in the evening we entered through the gate of the great walls, to meet the emir, but he was busy with a delegation from the city of Lydiu, so we postponed the meeting until the next day.
  It was not possible to meet the next day either, the emir was called to an operation against the desert panthers, and after talking to the commander of the guards, we returned to Victoria.
  On the way back we stopped at a tuchuk camp for some problems with the sails and ladi Mizuki who knew the area well offered to let me visit the village,
She didn't tell me that the people there adopted strange creeping beings resembling iron daggers that attacked the foreigners, so while she was running away I was attacked, surrounded and captured.
      Now we are in the house by the sea, with little Fahima and we are waiting for the city to be finally completed, although now I no longer have the woman to woo, but from Hammersgaard Dacia arrived, she was living there with Nani my great friend and she sent her to help me knowing that I was alone and for now she will stay here until we make the journey to her village to celebrate with them 

Tuesday 13 September 2022




    A lot of things happened, many of them quite hard, the innkeeper Sir Ulir, chased away from the wharf in front of his inn, a foreigner who was having intimate relations with a slave girl, and on the Planet it is not allowed, first I advised the man to go to some hidden garden, then having no answer he called the guards who arrested the man who was then released and chased out of the city
   As usual I live in Victoria always looking for a decent job, suitable for a Scribe, but the competition is ruthless, so many Scribes and so many Magistrates, crowding the palace in an impressive comings and goings.



  The other day a notice was posted outside the palace for voting for the chief Scribe, and I, being an old Scribe and a magistrate and lawyer, decided to take part in it by registering myself on the list. There were only three of us, but I don't think anyone will ever give me their vote as I am unknown to many, even though my stories in the newspaper are read widely by citizens.
Along with me on the list is a lady magistrate who comes and goes from the city because some merchants say they have seen her in other cities at work.
   In the meantime, the new praetor, Magistrate Ulisses, and the new chief magistrate, a lady whose name I can never remember because it is very complicated for me, being from the south and speaking a different dialect, I had also asked to work as a magistrate but I don't think they will ever do it.

      You want to know about little Fahima, well you remember I had sent a message to sit Timmer the kaissa player, telling him that I would buy his slave that he was neglecting for his travels around the Planet for the gaming tournaments, the slave when I met her outside the inn sweeping the floor heard the news his eyes sparkled, we know well that slaves cannot express feelings of any kind.
   Finally I got the answer he told me he would soon arrive with his ship in Victoria and we would do the deal.
    Yesterday while I was sitting quietly at the harbour inn for my usual vinonero, I saw his unmistakable ship arrive, and I waited for him, after a while I saw one of his guards approaching, he told me that soon his lord would come down and he would speak to me.


   He was a man of few words, he told me that we had mutual friends and that he would soon be leaving, and he was happy that his fahima slave was in good hands, he assured me that the little one who had dark amber skin, surely an import from planet Earth, was a good and faithful girl who kept his house clean and served him diligently.
   I bought her for two silver tarsk (silver plates) in turn he gave me all the necessary documents and medical examinations done by the little one, with the promise that when he returned to town the girl would keep his house in order.



 In the meantime I had placed an advertisement in which I was looking for a free woman for companionship, and the other day a skier at the harbour brought me a message from a Thentis merchant, a seller of very beautiful fabrics and clothes, she too was looking for a companion, I announced my visit to Thentis even though I had had a few disagreements with Lady Monica the administrator, after a short journey I reached her in her town, we stayed hours and hours talking to get to know each other, stipulating the promise to woo her and afterwards after the necessary period was over we will do the ceremony of companionship, but not before talking with my mother lady BB Arliss, for I hope she will be the one to celebrate.


 A serious fact today in the city a strong earthquake destroyed all the houses and buildings, I remembered the flood and destruction of the city of Svago, we fled to the island of Vagons, all the citizens camped out waiting for the builders to do their work and rebuild the city more beautiful than before.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...