Tuesday 22 August 2023


     While everything seemed to go well, we were all busy with the works in the city, not neglecting the preparations for my companionship ceremony which soon on 18-September-2023 (earth time), the ceremony will be officiated by my mother lady BB Arliss who for a few days she has arrived in the city together with the great Mith my father, and she together with Takama my promise prepare the temple of the ceremony with decorations, altars and chairs for everyone.

       The other morning a ship arrived in the port, it was not the usual commercial ship, but an omen of doom hovered over it, there was something that made that ship gloomy, and we were not proved wrong, because a little later a messenger got down on the quay, asked to be received by the regent or the administrator, the commander of the garrison at the gate accompanied him to the great palace where sir Jovan and lady Skylar were meeting for some decisions on the city, the commander announced the man, who after having greeted took a scroll from his belt, and handed it to Jovan, he calmly looking at the man suspiciously broke the seals and unrolled the parchment.

      From the expression on his face it was immediately clear that there was something serious written, he finally said to Skylar I have to tell you some bad news,
she worried asked to be able to read it in person so it was, Jovan handed the parchment to Skylar who while reading some tears slid down her face getting lost under the veil that covered her sweet face, in the meantime I learned of the traveler, I arrived in the office noticing the sadness in the faces of our administrators, I asked what was going on and Jovan in a low and emotional voice said .. we have just learned that the father of Lady Skylar the old Ubar of the city died in combat on his ship attacked by ships of Nordic tribes who descend to the South in estatre to raid and kidnap women to take with them, I too was saddened, I could understand at that moment what the beautiful Skylar felt, whom I had learned to love, because she was always available to everyone

     I dismissed the message man and stayed with them for a few minutes, then we looked at each other and agreed to meet again the following day to calmly review the situation. The next day we all met in the Caste room, I Franken Jovan Skylar Dara was also present, and before starting the meeting Jovan asked me for permission to court Dara my niece, I accepted with pleasure I wanted my niece to settle down and then Jovan he was also of high caste as a Regent.

     Meanwhile, Lady Skylar said that she had important news to give us, rummaging through her father's papers, she had found a parcel behind a column, a slave freed the parcel from hiding and Skylar thus learned that Sir Jovan was the son of a loving woman of the father, who gave birth to what is now his half-brother and then died, the father the Ubar never said of this child, but followed him from afar it was written that now he could finally declare that child son of the Ubar and direct descendant to the throne of the city.

     Lady Skylar asked Franken the healer to verify her brother's blood group and DNA, to be sure it was really him, after a few days Franken told us that the tests were favorable and that Jovan was Skylar's half-brother. caste council established with certainty that the evidence was real and that soon we would appoint Jovan Ubar of the city of Geela, while Skylar would continue to be administrator and head of the builders caste, and all finally finished as well as possible


Sunday 20 August 2023



     We are now in the new city, people going, people coming, after a critical moment for the setting of laws and new offices, life goes on, the daughter Dell'Ubar lady Skylar, received the news of the death of her father the Ubar of Geela, heartbroken not having a partner, she could no longer exercise the office of Ubarina, and after a meeting of the castes in the amphitheater of ceremonies, we unanimously decided that sir Jovan takes the role of Regent in charge, not of Ubar because we are not at war, and the beautiful lady Skylar, waiting for someone who can give him the security of command of the city, will be the administrator, and will be in charge of the builders, but when she has a partner we will redo the meeting of the Castes to confirm him the office of Ubara, which belongs to him by right, while now he has that of Tatrix.

      In the meantime I met the beautiful baker lady Takama, and it was love at first sight, we dated for some time, she with the excuse of bringing the biscuits that she baked just for me, she knew
  they were my favourites, she came to my office and never missed an opportunity to throw me languid and sometimes fiery glances, after so many dramas with the free women of Gor I was a little scared at the beginning, but love has no barriers and I I declared to her asking him to be able to woo her, and since I was her Protector I didn't need to ask anyone's permission.

     After many days we have now decided the date of the companionship ceremony, September 18, 2023, Earth time, and immediately afterwards the preparations for what concerns the new life as a couple started, not before having confessed to each other our vicissitudes of life in Gor, then we thought about the house and since yours, even if beautiful, is a bit small, we will live in mine in the residential area of the city, she is busy with the invitations and is already running from a tailor to more for her dress, I wore my ceremonial dress as an Emir of the desert, I have already given a copy of the contract to her so that she can sign it and we will send the invitations soon.

      My granddaughter Dara who now lives in the city with us, has created the Book Club in the garden immediately after the arena, on the road that leads to the beaches, and once a week we have the reading meeting, she was committed to studying from Scribe with me, but her life in the city is always so hectic that she can't follow me, but I often see her at the desk at the back of my office studying.

   My niece Dara the daughter of Darian who seemed lost at sea with her mother lady Harmony has worked hard to reunite the whole Arliss family, and has invited my mother BB-Arliss, her grandmother, and sir Mith her grandfather, here in Geela, at my request to have my mother perform my ceremony with Takama, and the other night while I was sleeping they arrived, she met them at the port and now they live here, my mother lady BB helps in the infirmary, my father sir Mith and a warrior and roams the forest and the nearby lands on patrols, I sent a message to my sister Lady Lucy Arliss, she replied that she will soon face the long journey to reach us, Betty Mesmeriser has also arrived in the city, she is a farmer and I hope you become a good citizen too.

    Another novelty, for a few days sir Jovan had been sending slaves because he wanted to meet me, and finally while I was at the port with lady Skylar he arrived and in the presence of everyone including sir Franken and many slaves, he asked me for permission to court my niece Dara, I I am her Uncle and her protector, I took a day off, I wanted to talk to Dara who I accept, now they too are happily courting each other and we are waiting for the moment of their request for a company ceremony, we hope that Dara will give me other grandchildren so the family he will grow up, even Takama told me that he wants many children, and I'm happy..



Sunday 6 August 2023


   Returning from my short trip to Hammersgaard. The Viking village where I have a house and where I often go back to write or rest, getting off the ship I saw many people gathered in the square in front of the port, I recognized Sir Jovan, Lady Skyler, Lady Joy and other citizens with many slaves kneeling around a cage. As I got closer I glimpsed free woman's clothes in the cage but I still couldn't recognize who it was, until I recognized Lady Dawn 

imprisoned, I arrived just in time for the reading of the sentence that the Magistrate Lady Joy had decreed for her, a rather bizarre sentence since it was fruit damaged, but I did not want to intervene as head of the caste of scribes I could very well appeal the sentence and re-trial, but I limited myself to asking what transgression he had done to deserve a summary trial without even a lawyer, they told me that Lady Dawn went around naked dancing in the city, a serious fault that I would have punished with a lashes but it would be better this way not to damage the beautiful woman's skin.
    All finished I went to my office just as a slave was running after me with a parchment inviting me to the great theater for a meeting of caste and citizens, I left my belongings, changed my clothes and walked towards the great theatre which I still hadn't seen it except from afar, since it was attached to the building, and I had seen it from the windows. It wasn't easy to find the way to get in but in the end I succeeded,

 many were already seated, others like me were arriving, some from the entrance, some from the sky who fell from the Tarn, in the city we have some trained ones and everyone can fly over and admire the view . I sat down with Sir Jovan and Lady Sky, while the others arranged themselves around the semicircle of the theatre.

      When no one was arriving anymore, Sir Steve welcomed us on behalf of the city and gave the floor to Lady Sky for an important communication, she stood up and visibly moved first I thanked everyone then in a serious and sad tone she read a parchment that she had taken by his belt, I begin the reading with a trembling but sure voice, he said that Father L'ubar of Geela was now reported missing, surely dead in the sea of Thassa, and after so many months of searching by the warriors with ships, they suspended them and returned to Geela.

    A very sad thing even if I didn't know that man except for his fame, I was sorry and moved and worried at the same time, the absence of the Ubar could mean a revolt or a coup by some evil intention, she she also said that until she had found a protector and a company, she could not administer the city and proposed the name of sir JUovan to become Ubar, even if in times of peace there is no figure of the Ubar in the cities, and Sir Franken brought it up with me, at this point it was decided to proceed with the voting, but Jovan was 

 unanimously elected, I who am a man of the law explained that it could not be Ubar but Regent in office, Lady Sky is the rightful heir to the throne, so everyone was happy and there was a long applause directed at Jovan the new Regent, I also told him that the new job of regent contrasts with that of head of the slaver caste and that soon a new slaver would arrive.

    All up in joy, lady dara as usual with her many ideas I explain to lady Sky some new proposals to be implemented for the entertainment of citizens, we will keep you informed in the next few days.

Thursday 3 August 2023



     For some time the rumor had been circulating in Geela that a new baker had arrived in the city and had her oven in the street behind the Palazzo delle Caste, it was said that her products were good and genuine, made with experience and dedication to work, then he said that all his ability was due to the teachings from.ex companion of Salt Ubars, Onora.

    Once the work was done, I went down the large stairs that overlook the square
  to then turn left towards the oven, I think the word had spread, because sitting at the tables outside the oven there were sir Jovan, lady Joy, sir Franken and other patrons at the other tables, the beautiful baker despite wearing a veil showed a beautiful face with two eyes that looked like two lakes in the night
her headset hid her long hair and her accent definitely from the north, she came to ask us our preferences, I ordered tea and biscuits with chocolate tears after having consumed I wanted to pay but she told me that she was offering for the first time ,
then I said goodbye to everyone and left and promised myself I would come back.

     In fact, the next day, as soon as I finished my work in the palace, I went downstairs for my usual tea, but this time with the intention of meeting that woman. arrived at the tables I heard her humming alone in the oven while she was kneading some bread, I sat down at one of the tables outside and in silence I listened to that angel's voice singing who knows what song, when she noticed me she came towards me blushing, but I heartened her saying I liked his song.
    After serving me tea I asked him to sit down with me and tell me something about her and her life, I talk about her experience on the planet since she was a child cared for by her grandmother after losing her parents at sea, then on her death she traveled from city to city city working as a baker in the ovens, until arriving in Geela he was offered to open his own oven and she accepted, now she says she is trying to make herself a good baker and make the citizens happy.

    To my question about her private life she was rather evasive, she didn't tell me much only that being a good, sincere and romantic girl she was waiting one day for someone to match her love and make her happy, a fantastic woman combined beauty with sincerity of qualities now lost in women, I will try to get to know this woman who will surely have her own story that one day perhaps she will tell me.


Sunday 23 July 2023

                                   THE NEW CITY OF GEELA


The city is now very crowded. so many people come and go, the administrators did not want to lose businesses and citizens, who thought of traveling elsewhere without a home, so after many meetings, it was decided to make site inspections to find a new fertile land, where to build the city and the farms.

   Sir Jovan and Lady Sky, the two administrator 

 they have found the right land, in a lagoon with a natural harbor for mooring ships, the lands before the forest where farmers will be able to grow their products and their herds of Borsk, Tarsk and Veer for milk.

      My job didn't allow me to go with them, but today I finally traveled to the new land with a Tarm, which Kaila booked for me, when I arrived at the land I couldn't believe my eyes, a beautiful city in advanced construction, indeed almost completed, lady Sky, a good 8uilder, has been very busy, still 

 giving the finishing touches to the port and the surrounding streets. I was able to admire the new Theater for the Kajire dance demonstrations and for the dances that from time to time we have in the city. The large Caste palace, with the arena immediately after, and the Scribe Offices very large with a well prepared class, because we have decided to give lessons for apprentice Scribes and to explain the life and laws of Gor which many do not know, of course we know all the caste palaces and dwellings for the citizens.

on July 30th - land time - there will be the inauguration with many events that I will give you details in my next article, for now let's get ready for the big event, pass the word to friends all are invited.


Wednesday 19 July 2023



   Sometimes life reserves us beautiful opportunities and surprises, returning to Geela from the oasis of Isfahan, I had gone to a fair of the
Oasis, I was thinking of displaying my newspaper rack but I didn't get the authorisation, I had already put my rack in the landing Oasis once before, then for incomprehensible reasons they removed it and sent it back.

   Life went by in Geela, everything was as I had left it, I resumed my work and spoke to lady Sky, about her work and the possibility of having a room to furnish as a classroom for any Scribe apprentices, she told me to use my large office for now, he would put more chairs and small tables for writing, i spoke to sir Jovan, met him at the door of the new INN, together with a newcomer sir Taka, a fine Gorean, with Scribe lady Joy, and lady ,,,,,,,,,
  I told him about the fair in Turmus where we had exhibited the Geela Stall, and about the success we had.

   Meanwhile, a pirate ship arrives at the port, curiosity prompted me to go towards the docks, every time it is a grea happiness to see the people arriving and the goods they unload, together with the travelers there was a young woman accompanied by a Pirate in search of the building of the Scribes, a guard warned me, I told him to bring them to my office, curious to know what they were looking for.

    When he asked for permission to introduce them I noticed something familiar in that girl, decently dressed without any caste badge, the Pirate after having said goodbye saying he was available on his ship, I didn't understand why, and what he meant, meantime I did accommodate the girl, she looked at me in silence with shining and happy eyes, tell me what's the matter, I said to him as I scrutinized her from head to toe, she, after breathing a sigh of relief, took a parchment from her belt, told me that the mother had entrusted the parchment to the pirate when she was sold as a slave, I toke it across the desk, I took it carefully, it was no longer so new and clean, you could notice the signs of time, but the writing was visible and I started reading.
   The document stated that the girl was Harmony's daughter,  you all  maybe remember my beloved harmony, which I thought was lost, perhaps she ran away with the waiting child, she gave him the name Daria, in memory of her love Darian, a tear fell from my eyes , thinking of that woman who I thought had betrayed me, instead captured by raiders outside the oasis while she was at the pond and carried away, to then be sold into slavery at the port of Brundisium, while the newborn child was adopted by the family of the commander of the ship, he raised her with his daughters,. now you sisters have grown up, the father now old and always on the seas, could no longer deal with the protection of the girls, so he thought it best to send Dara to me with the documents attesting to his paternity, which I will investigate further with an examination by part of the DNA healer to determine it.

  Dara sitting opposite was visibly awkward on that blue velvet chair and looked around admiring the paintings and tapestries, I asked him what he wanted to do and what I could do for her, he told me that she always felt like the pirate's daughter, because he raised her with love and education treating her as if she were his own daughter and that she would be happy if she and her stepsisters could be protected by me and live in the city of Geela, study and work, with much love from me.
Certainly it is not easy all of a sudden to find that which for years I considered lost, and which I had searched for all over the planet, a little girl whom I saw growing up in her mother's belly day by day, and now here she is a woman, with the paternal instinct repressed for many years I got up I hugged that girl, telling her that she would always be by my side and work with me in the office and the sisters could come quietly under my protection and live in my big house ..


Wednesday 12 July 2023


      I couldn't wait to get to the city of Turmus, the beautiful Sabayna had sent me a message telling me that there would be a merchants fair in the city and asked me if I would like to have a stand for my newspaper, Dariantravels-gazette, I replied that I would be happy to attend and speaking with the Ubar of the city of Geela where I am currently Chief Scribe,. we decided that we would also have a stand in the city, where we would sell some products from our land.

    I was enthusiastic about this event, surely I would have met my sister lady Lucy Arliss, the painter who never missed an event, in any case I wrote a message and sent it to warn her.

  I arrived in the evening by now the dim light of the torches barely illuminated the port they had lit bonfires along the coast, as soon as I got off I met Sabayna on the pier who was checking some of his cases with his wonderful perfumes, he welcomed me with joy and I guided me towards the area of the fair very close to the port, by now the stands were almost all occupied but I found two free, one for the newspaper next to the stand of the Oasis of the two Scimitars and the city of Corcius, while the other at the end of the road to the city from Geela, in front of my sister Lucy's stand, it still hadn't arrived but I was told it would arrive the following morning.

    The preparation of the stand took me a lot of time in the night, then exhausted I retired to the ship, the next morning I finished the job and dedicated myself to the city of Geela we unloaded the products and positioned the signs, needless to say that many people came and went from the port with their goods, already from the early hours of the morning many people arrived to visit.

   Amongst all Lady Lonoire who welcomed me and acted as my guide, a very good lady whom I had not met when I lived in Turmus, also Lady Dara who traveled with me from Geela, she is a very good Scribe apprentice and also a talented writer I organized a class for Scribe soon for her.

I will list the stands and the Cities present
Oasis of the two Scimitars
Oasis of janus
Lucy Arlis the painter
Geela city
Isfahan oasis
Lady Sabayna the perfumer 


orlandodarianarliss editor

Monday 3 July 2023


      Returning from my short trip to the city of Telnus, I had met Lady Ranna, the healer. and it was she who sent me a message for a ZAR game competition, I remember they had already done one on the big beach, so I went to write an article for the Gazette Gorean newspaper, but I didn't find any points of interest, by now everyone they play that game and the citizens are few interested unless they go to race and take the prize in Silver Tarsk.

   I have returned to my new and beautiful city called Geela, it does not have a large port but it is well fortified, arriving from the port quay you can first take a copy of the newspaper, read the legal provisions of the city and then walk towards the gate in in the distance you can admire a very high caste tower, on the right, there is a beautiful beach where the dancers of the city usually perform on the dance floor, they are often there to welcome new visitors, cheering them up first with dances and then taking them to the Inn or to the tavern where they take refreshment.

    Then they return to the beach and resume their dance, tireless kajira, a beauty for the eyes, the men appreciate the dances because they are the most beautiful thing a city can offer..

     I also wanted to say that the city has open recruitment after the reconstruction made by lady Sky, and everyone is welcome, looking for each other

   Honorable and faithful       warriors
   Bath House  Attendant (free)

  Those arriving can ask for sir Jovan or lady Skylar Courtenay of Geela , they will welcome you with friendship.
  Criminals, thieves, or presumptuous upstarts who have already brought down other cities are not welcome, we are at peace and not at war


Saturday 1 July 2023


 of Ko Ro Ba

       During one of my trips, I stopped at the city of Ko Ro Ba, I had heard a lot about the kajire dance school and the Tor tu gor radio headquarters, and I was very curious to know the city and the citizens, so it was not difficult for me reach its port with my ship.
     Luck would have it that in those days there was a kajires dance demonstration, it wasn't a real competition but a performance of the kajires who attend the Goreana dance school which has its headquarters in that city.

    I was wandering lost on the docks of the port, trying to figure out what kind of people were arriving and what kind of businesses they had, when a weak and kind little voice asked me if it could help me, I looked around until there was a kneeling behind me a beautiful Kajira, she had a very beautiful pink dress like the petals of a rose and her long hair that fell from her shoulders almost to the ground, her eyes were a deep blue like the sea, even if her head was bowed in shame.

    I thought she was a fugitive or lost slave, but she told me she was the kajira who welcomed visitors, and foreigners who came to attend the dances that would take place in the evening, I asked her name and she told me her name was Tersa Vella and being a property of sir D, but who was also in charge of assisting the ballet dancer, it was no coincidence that she had been an instructor in the Ko Ro Ba school. for many years and now she was happy that many of her pupils had become better than her and they too were teaching in the schools of the Planet, she was very happy for this, but her greatest commitment was at the Gallery of Modern Arts, she takes care of setting up the shows competitions and sometimes the choice of works to be exhibited, she informed me that in the month of July there would be an exhibition dedicated to Nature and that everyone could participate, as a writer I had a little poem of mine written during the crossing and I gave it to her for the competition together with a portrait of me.

     I had been really lucky to meet that girl who explained to me how the city was structured, and the movement they had for the dance school, and I confess that she was very busy these days with the exhibition and with the Tarn, she she is a Tarn girl. she takes care of the competitions, even if she would have preferred to help the Kjigiri in the preparation of the sets and the organization of the performances. But all this often leads her to run away from her master and devote herself to her many hobbies, she knows that sir D would not change her even with two eighteen-year-old kajire.

     When I asked him about her and her life he told me that many considered her a cheater but deep down she was a little shy girl who also often has problems interacting with others, this is because she was born and lived in Ko ro ba e few times did he travel, either for his radio or to follow the dancers to nearby towns for their performances. She had no aspirations of greatness or success said to her, as long as her Master taps it on her head and holds her with him in front of the fireplace.

      He takes me to the exhibition building where I chose my place for the poem then I walk around to visit the big city, until we reached the arena, the dances had just begun and he asked me for permission to go .... I I greeted affectionately but without exaggerating, thanking her and immersed myself in the vision of the kajire dancing in the center of the dance floor.

    I had met a great little woman


Wednesday 28 June 2023



      Leaving from Telnus where I had met the writer Ranna, we traveled aimlessly in the thassa, a sailor told me about a remote island with a city called Geela, I was very intrigued and asked the ship's commander if we could scour that stretch of sea to spot that little lost island.
    We wandered around for a few days in search of the city and finally we sighted an island that didn't appear on any map, I told the commander, maybe we are there and ordered us to approach, always keeping the unknown area under control.

    Rounding the promontory we saw a small port with a few ships, and I said to dock, we could see from the quay some high fortified walls with a large gate, I got ready and went ashore with some guards. Arrived at the guard post, after having inspected and checked the documents, the captain accompanied me to Ubar sir Jovan, we found him in the large square overlooked by many shops, a large tavern and behind the majestic palaces stands the caste tower, even if the castes have representative offices in the city.
     Sir Jovan was with Lady Sky and some kajires sliding on their knees near the masters. I introduced myself as sir Orlando Arliss, Scribe, Magistrate, lawyer and editor of the newspaper '' darian travels'' they kindly welcomed me by offering me work, there was so much to do, they were reorganizing the city and they needed people with experience.

     I told him about the newspaper and the idea of creating a new one, he told me that there was already a branch of a newspaper, when he told me the name, Gorean moon I was dumbfounded, that was my old newspaper that I had left in the hands of a woman who had betrayed me for no reason to collect Opals in the mines, but it doesn't matter I said we'll do ours, they do theirs.

     After assigning me an apartment at the top of the big tower . I made an appointment with sir Jovan to define the contract as head of the Scribe caste, and as editor of the new newspaper ...gorean-gazette geena city-


Geela Island is a hospitable island in middle Thassa. The main town of the island is characterized by several inns, bakeries and small shops in the lower town. The upper town looks like a castle, and the infirmary is also located here.

The small two-storey stone building contains the infirmary on the ground floor, while the upper floor has a living room for the physician. Inside, A hall welcomes the visitor; it serves as a waiting room and provides access to the individual rooms, the office, the exam room for the free and the patient room. The morgue is located in the rear part of the building, away from public traffic. The room for the slave exams is located in a low annex to the left of the entrance and is thus also separated from the areas used by free citizens. The walls are painted in a warm shade of green. The wooden floorboards also contribute to the warm and friendly overall impression.


    I remind you that there is recruitment and all those who feel like real Goreans and who are not looking for personal advantages but who want to take part in living the city are welcome ... anyone who wants to contact Sir Jovan or lady Sky, you will be welcome



Monday 19 June 2023





I would like to apologize to those who participated in the games and who I wrote in the article taking them from the scoreboard of the competitions.
   I had to cancel them because that evening of the race they threatened me with death and they also sent me to remove my newsstand from Isfahan because of the names not written according to their preference, I am a journalist and I write what I see .. I don't have to ask the leave anyone on what kind of name they prefer to be called, sorry for the inconvenience I love you especially my frequent readers may the Initiates on behalf of the Priest Kings bless you 


 I would also like to make you aware of a serious interference in my regard and death threats for I don't know what reason, they mentioned a lady that I haven't seen for years ..These people are ruining Gor with their wickedness and their pride ... it is good to isolate them otherwise Gor will end.


 i add message :

 [14:41:15] Kelsier (galem.spaceship) seeing the Scribe walking away, but having recognized him from the description he had been given, walks past him and lets a small parchment slip into his pocket before he too leaves ---------------------------- Darian el Nariad, or whatever your name is these days, you don't know me, but i know you. You got the attention of the wrong people, you laid eyes on the wrong people. Some time has passed, but they do not forget. You've shown interest in a woman, Si..........., and that interest hasn't been welcomed. He considers this scroll a first and last warning: if you have to see the girl again, turn around and walk away. Don't talk to her. Don't look at her. If you do, they'll know and I'll come back for you.


 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...